Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on France WWI

The ultimate purpose for France at the Paris Peace Conference, following World War I, was to give a just retribution for Germany’s crimes. France, more than any other country, had suffered greatly during the war. Many of the major battles were fought on French territory. The damage caused by the war was not just the carnage, the three million who were wounded on top of the 1.3 million French soldiers lost, but the affects of the war left the country in ruins. Many agricultural areas were ruined and became infertile, while bridges, factories, etc were all destroyed on account of the war. Georges Clemenceau, the French premier, came representing the majority opinion in France that Germany should pay for the damages of the war, that Germany be made so that it can never be a threat towards France, that Germany give back the land it once took from France, and that Germany claim full responsibility for the war. Clemenceau’s main objective at the peace discussion was to ensure the future safety of France against any renewed German aggressions. He wanted to make sure that Germany could never again threaten France and to guarantee this, he wanted Germany permanently damaged. He wanted Germany demobilized and for it to be surrounded by strong bordering nations. He first goal, therefore, was to limit Germans strength militarily. Clemenceau wanted Germany left with no navy to speak of, no air force, and a reduced army. This was very important for the security of the French people. If Germany had any military power left, XXX. Other than wanting to dismantle Germany militarily, France’s interests were also aimed at territorial gains. Following the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, Germany (Prussia) had taken the French Alsace and Lorraine regions, which were important for France because XXX. France wanted this area returned, as well as the Saar region added, at least temporarily. The Saar region, which was rich with coal and iron ore deposits, wo... Free Essays on France WWI Free Essays on France WWI The ultimate purpose for France at the Paris Peace Conference, following World War I, was to give a just retribution for Germany’s crimes. France, more than any other country, had suffered greatly during the war. Many of the major battles were fought on French territory. The damage caused by the war was not just the carnage, the three million who were wounded on top of the 1.3 million French soldiers lost, but the affects of the war left the country in ruins. Many agricultural areas were ruined and became infertile, while bridges, factories, etc were all destroyed on account of the war. Georges Clemenceau, the French premier, came representing the majority opinion in France that Germany should pay for the damages of the war, that Germany be made so that it can never be a threat towards France, that Germany give back the land it once took from France, and that Germany claim full responsibility for the war. Clemenceau’s main objective at the peace discussion was to ensure the future safety of France against any renewed German aggressions. He wanted to make sure that Germany could never again threaten France and to guarantee this, he wanted Germany permanently damaged. He wanted Germany demobilized and for it to be surrounded by strong bordering nations. He first goal, therefore, was to limit Germans strength militarily. Clemenceau wanted Germany left with no navy to speak of, no air force, and a reduced army. This was very important for the security of the French people. If Germany had any military power left, XXX. Other than wanting to dismantle Germany militarily, France’s interests were also aimed at territorial gains. Following the Franco-Prussian war in 1871, Germany (Prussia) had taken the French Alsace and Lorraine regions, which were important for France because XXX. France wanted this area returned, as well as the Saar region added, at least temporarily. The Saar region, which was rich with coal and iron ore deposits, wo...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Problemas en las aduanas al entrar a Estados Unidos

Problemas en las aduanas al entrar a Estados Unidos Entrar en Estados Unidos no siempre es posible, aunque se tengan todos los documentos en regla. Y es que cuando un extranjero se presenta en las aduanas puede suceder que no se le permita entrar, por considerarlo inadmisible. Esto puede suceder no sà ³lo con extranjeros que intentan llegar al paà ­s usando pasaportes o visas falsas, sino tambià ©n con aquellos que cuentan con una visa vlida sin expirar, o que viajan sin visa porque pertenecen a un paà ­s acogido al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas. Esto ocurre porque el oficial de Proteccià ³n de Aduanas y Fronteras (CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir quià ©n entra a Estados Unidos y quià ©n no. Causas por las que se prohà ­be entrar en Estados Unidos Las causas son variadà ­simas y pueden ir desde que se ha intentado utilizar un pasaporte o una visa falsa a alegar ser ciudadano americano cuando no es verdad. O haber tenido una presencia ilegal con anterioridad, haber cometido delitos agravados o inmorales o ser un peligro para la seguridad del paà ­s. Incluso posesià ³n de marihuana por ms de 30 gramos para consumo personal. Tambià ©n es posible que la visa està © cancelada o revocada aunque su titular no lo sepa. Si sospecha que ese puede ser su caso, es recomendable obtener un rà ©cord de inmigracià ³n o si no tiene ni idea de cul puede el problema. Y por supuesto que puede suceder que se niegue el ingreso a Estados Unidos porque el extranjero no est utilizando la visa correcta. Por ejemplo, pretende entrar con visa de turista para casarse. O quiere estudiar en el high school o en la universidad o en academia de inglà ©s pero pero llega sin visado si es de un paà ­s como Chile o Espaà ±a o tiene uno de turista.   Incluso circunstancias como ser una amenaza a la salud pà ºblica por padecer ciertas enfermedades o generar la sospecha en el oficial de la CBP de que se tiene la intencià ³n de violar la visa y quedarse en el paà ­s por ms tiempo del autorizado.   Para evaluar si existe un problema que convierte a una persona en inelegible para la visa que trae o en inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos, el oficial migratorio realiza, como mà ­nimo una pregunta. Estos son 7 ejemplos tà ­picos. Y a continuacià ³n puede decidir permitir el ingreso, enviar a la persona a una segunda inspeccià ³n (el famoso cuartito) o decidir regresarlo. Quà © sucede cuando la CBP no permite la entrada Pueden ocurrir los siguientes escenarios: El extranjero es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como expedited removal. Sà ³lo en el caso de que se tenga una visa vlida puede suceder que el oficial de aduanas prefiera que la decisià ³n final la tome un juez de inmigracià ³n. En este caso se entregar una citacià ³n en una corte con jurisdiccià ³n en el lugar de destino final del extranjero. O tambià ©n puede suceder que se le conceda la oportunidad de retirar su peticià ³n para entrar a Estados Unidos. Es lo que se conocen inglà ©s como permission to withdraw his/her application for admission. Esta opcià ³n es ms ventajosa que la de la expulsià ³n inmediata. Hay que entender que retirar la peticià ³n para entrar no es un derecho, sino que es un privilegio que concede a su discrecià ³n el oficial de la CBP a cargo. Para concederla tendr en cuenta distintos factores como que el extranjero no tiene intencià ³n de violar la ley, que la causa por la que es inadmisible es leve y puede ser subsanada y tambià ©n circunstancias humanitarias como su edad y salud. Si decide darle la oportunidad de retirar la peticià ³n para entrar en Estados Unidos entonces el oficial de inmigracià ³n completar la forma I-275, que cancela la visa, y en la que se especifica claramente la causa de la inadmisibilidad. A esta forma se adjuntar una declaracià ³n jurada del extranjero. Adems se le explicar quà © debe hacer para corregir el problema que en esa ocasià ³n ha impedido que pudiese entrar a Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, si la razà ³n es que fue condenado por un delito inmoral, se le dir que debe rellenar la planilla  I-192 para subsanar este problema. Consecuencias de problemas graves en el control migratorio La persona que es objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata no podr regresar al paà ­s por un periodo de cinco aà ±os. Si desea regresar antes deber pedir un perdà ³n o waiver que se concede en casos muy especà ­ficos. Por el contrario, el extranjero al que se le permite retirar su peticià ³n de entrada al paà ­s no se le prohibe regresar por ningà ºn periodo de tiempo ni tiene que pedir permiso previo para volver a intentar entrar. Lo que sà ­ es muy aconsejable es que analice la forma I-275 donde se especifica la causa de inadmisibilidad y que solucione ese problema antes de ponerse de nuevo en marcha hacia Estados Unidos.Y pedir una visa nueva, porque precisamente ese formulario cancelà ³ la que se tenà ­a. A tener en cuenta para los residentes permanentes Los residentes permanentes legales que pasen en el extranjero ms de un aà ±o sin contar con el debido permiso y luego intentan regresar al paà ­s usando su green card se encontrarn con que la CBP considerar que han perdido su estatus de residentes. En estos se les permitir abandonar voluntariamente su condicià ³n de titulares de una tarjeta de residencia legal rellenando el formulario I-407. Si asà ­ lo hacen, pierden la residencia. Si se oponen a ello, les ser entregada una nota para comparecer ante un juez de inmigracià ³n, que ser quien decida si pueden conservar su estatus o si lo han perdido definitivamente. Informacià ³n que puede interesar En la frontera o aeropuerto se puede solicitar asilo pero en la realidad est habiendo muchos problemas en los puntos de control migratorio en la frontera con Mà ©xico. Recordar que hay dos controles: el de inmigracià ³n y el de aduanas. No se debe  traer productos prohibidos y conviene estar enterado de regulaciones como la que gobierna cunto alcohol se puede  llevar  y de cunto dinero se puede  ingresar a Estados Unidos sin declarar. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples para despejar dudas Es altamente recomendable tomar este  quiz, trivial o test sobre visas  para asegurarte  de que sabes lo fundamental para obtener y conservar los visados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Internet In Everyday Life Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Internet In Everyday Life - Research Paper Example The United Kingdom also contributed to the development of the internet. No exact date is particularized when the internet came into being. It is estimated that from early to mid of 1980 internet was well established. From that point in time, the network of internet experiences continuous exponential growth with its connection with personal, institutional computer or mobile. The funding of many private organizations and U.S made the commercial backbone strong for the development of networking technologies with the merge of several networks. From the very beginning, the academic sector is widely using the internet. The commercialization of the internet resulted in incorporation and popularization of all the aspects of human life. Presently the use of internet has been so popular that more than 2.4 billion people of the world are experiencing these networking technologies. This case study is based on the research question that the use of the internet should be restricted or not. The thesis of this research paper is that internet is introduced for all people. It is made available to all. But restricting the internet, it creates barriers to the purpose of introducing it. The objective of this research paper is to focus on the advantage and benefits of the internet. The contribution of the internet in developing the world is also highlighted here. The Internet has numerous advantages with some major disadvantages. This research paper aims to establish the fact that restrictions of internet usage will hamper the growth and development of many things which are associated with various aspects of human life and professions. According to the authors Samuel J. Best, Andrew Smith, Clark Hubbard, Brian Krueger internet is very popular in data collection as it solves complex questions for making quick administration, flexibility.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 4 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 4 SLP - Essay Example The formulation of the strategies that are implemented by Clipboard on the basis of CVP (Cost, Volume, Profit) analysis will also be discussed. In order to determine the revised strategy to be used in regards to the pricing of these three tablets, R & D allocations, and any product discontinuations for the different ranges of tablets in the company, a CVP analysis must be done. A CVP analysis is regarded as a tool that is chiefly used for planning purposes, in addition to making valuable decisions, and furthermore is considered to be a powerful instrument in devising future plans for the company as well as increasing the sale of the products of the company itself. One major advantage of this tool is that it enables the company to make the appropriate decisions as well as planning for developing the three products in the business market at the beginning of the initial year, in this case 2012 (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011). The strategy of CVP analysis is generally used for calculat ing the break-even point, as well as determining the prices for attaining substantial profits by increasing the sale of the products themselves (Cambridge Business Publishers, 2005). As such, with the assistance of CVP analysis, the company is required to formulate certain strategies and generate plans that will allow for the profitability and productivity to exceed in comparison to their competitors. Product X5 The X5 has been on the market for five years at the time of this projection and analysis; it is said to have reached its stage of maturity. It is for these reasons that once the product hit 77% market saturation, it was determined to discontinue the product itself, as the only sales that would be generated would be for those who were buying replacement products; each year leading up to discontinuation showed a lowering in price in order to increase sales of the product itself. The results of this and the price points used are shown in a graph below. Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price 285 280 260 Discontinued Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Installed Base 1,917,729 3,395,970 5,430,339 7,035,000 Remaining Customers 5,117,271 3,639,030 1,604,661 0 Market Saturation 27% 48% 77% 100% First Time Customers 1,478,241 2,034,369 1,604,661 0 Repeat sales 169,352 297,701 473,236 0 Total Sales 1,647,592 2,332,070 2,077,898 0 Product X6 The X6 has been on the market for a period of five years, and the decision to discontinue it for 2016 was made due to market saturation. In each year leading up to this, the price point was decreased in order to increase sales. At the end of the simulation, it was seen that customers pay about the same price for these products as they are for similar competing products, showing that prices and projections are well within adequate ranges. Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price 430 425 405 395 (X6) Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 Installed Base 1,066,018 2,238,333 4,209,188 6,550,000 Remaining Customers 5,483,982 4,311,667 2,340,812 0 Market Saturati

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hybrid cars Essay Example for Free

Hybrid cars Essay Industrialization has contributed to high-energy consumption across the world. The developed countries consume the larger share due to more industries that operate there. The release of pollutant substances into the atmosphere has led to global warming whose dangerous effects are already being felt today. The motor industry, being one of the largest pollutants, has been seeking new technologies that would lead to less pollution. The amounts of carbon dioxide by the motor industry are large enough for the industry to get concerned. In the early days, most cars were solely powered by fuel combustion engines alone. Such vehicles did not have much power as the new hybrid engines of nowadays. The fuel engines also produced large quantities of harmful gases. With the current debate on environmental issues, car manufacturers have resulted to developing more energy efficient vehicles that will produce equal or more power as earlier engines but with less harmful effects. The idea of developing hybrid car engines was borne from the successful introduction of hybrid powertrains. These hybrid powertrains were found more fuel efficient and this triggered car manufacturers to adopting the technology to the car industry (Haan et al, 2006). Hybrid cars are those cars whose engines use more than one power sources. Much criticism as well as commendation of these hybrid cars has been witnessed. The main issues of contention are the fuel efficiency of the hybrid vehicles over other engine cars and the effect of the hybrid cars on the economy. Some authors have argued that as much as hybrid vehicles lead to fuel efficiency, there are counter effects that negate any gains made. Studies have been done to quantify these factors to authenticate the allegations and interesting findings have come up. () In a study by Haan and others, they aimed at assessing the extent to which hybrid cars had changed people’s choice of buying cars. It had been argued that the introduction of hybrid cars led to people abandoning the fuel efficient vehicles they used earlier in favour of hybrid cars. The study was an assessment of the various ways that policy makers in different countries intended to address issues of pollution by cars. Several measures had been proposed and they centered on reducing the demand for cars, reducing energy consumption per vehicle per distance in kilometers and reduction of carbon emissions (Haan, 1082). Hybrid cars were considered energy efficient and that fewer pollutants were released (http://www. activehybrid. com). It was, however, generally argued that the hybrid cars had other counter effects. The study by Haan sought to quantify this. This suggests that there was an argument that hybrid cars, for some reason, were bought as additional cars thus increasing the number of cars owned by a household. Governments aim at reducing number of cars per household and hybrid cars worked against this principle. Following this argument, there was a general view that the lesser taxes charged on hybrid cars had led to the influx of the cars into the markets. (http://www. activehybrid. com/). The results of the study indicate that hybrid cars indeed reduce emissions. If a government is to effectively reduce the amount of emissions from the motor industry, hybrid cars have to be adopted. Policy should, therefore, allow more hybrid cars and to encourage this, tax reductions on hybrid cars should be sustained. The study further identified that hybrid cars do not increase the number of cars per household. The increment that was recorded was due to other factors unassociated with hybrid cars themselves. The findings of this study quell fears that hybrid cars have an overall effect that harm the economy (http://www. activehybrid. com/Why-Hybrids-are-the-Vehicles-of-Choice-these-days. html). Authors expressed that it was insufficient to evaluate a vehicle’s pollution level without considering other factors involved in the vehicle’s life cycle. Authors expressed a need of focusing not only on the output emission levels of the final product but also on the processes involved in developing these cars. Economic factors had to be considered to justify the efficiency of any type of car engine including hybrid. The cost aspect also had to be checked, to assess the economic viability of the car engines, the prices of having batteries was analyzed, fuel costs also, and driving range (Granovskii, 1186). Granovskii and others carried out a study to assess the environmental factors. The study sought to quantity the amounts of greenhouse gases related by each of the types of engines considered. The various other pollutants emitted in the manufacture and repair of batteries were also analyzed. The results of this study show that in comparison with the electric car, hybrid car was superior in car emission produced. More pollutants were released. The prices of electric cars were less than those of hybrid cars. There results suggest that if electric power would be generated and conserved in the car engines, the gains from such an electric engine would be more than that from hybrid cars. However, the study found that no car engine was superior to all other on all fronts. On every aspect the different cars engines should advantages over others. The hydrogen engine, though, did not have any advantage over other engine types except that it had least pollution. The study further indicated that when natural gases are used for generation of electricity in an engine, the hybrid is better than other engine types (Anderson). Manufacturers had further developed intelligent technology that enabled cars to sense their environments and adjust their fuel consumption levels. The developers of this technology strongly believed that this technology was the most fuel efficient that should be adopted to replace the hybrid cars. The new technology engine was proposed as fuel saving and less pollutant than all other engine types. A review of literature in a study done by Manzie and others reveal that hybrid cars had high initial costs that dispelled many customers from buying them. Hybrid engines had been found to be more fuel efficient in trains and this technology was extended to the cars. The study by Manzie focused on identifying any benefits realized from the use of hybrid and communication technologies in fuel economy. A situation model was used in evaluation of the fuel economy of combining these two technologies. The study was carried out in Australia. The hybrid model used in this consisted of the hybrid electric vehicle. The speed of the vehicle was evaluated when the technologies are combined. Several control procedures were put to ensure the result are not skewed to any side (http://www. hybrid-vehicles. net/). The results of the study indicate that there were significant improvements in fuel economizing. Less fuel was consumed by the hybrid vehicles. Telematics, which combine intelligent capabilities in a car, were found to be cost effective and fuel efficient. The results also indicate that there may be challenges in adopting the new telematics technology because it affects overtaking between intelligent and unintelligent cars. The study indicated that hybrid systems alone consumed less fuel. A combination of hybrid and telematics technology to create an intelligent hybrid car led to more improvements in fuel consumption. There are benefits that are associated with the hybrid cars. Studies have shown that these cars consume less fuel, release fewer pollutants and have more power. Today the hybrid model car engines are being improved their capabilities. Hybrid cars are environmental friend. These cars are also cheap enabling people to acquire vehicles fast and save money to do other important things. The hybrid cars have now found their way into United States military operations (Mehney). It is evident from the above analysis that hybrid vehicles consume less energy than combustion engines. The evidence is not only in theory but has been supported by empirical evidence. The several control measures applied in each study ensure that the results are a true representation of the actual situation. Hybrid cars have all evidently been found to release fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. In fact, this is the technology that every country serious on reducing pollution should emphasize on. The criticism of the hybrid cars has not presented empirical evidence to authenticate allegations. Most of these allegations are generalizations. It seems that the hybrid technology poses a threat to some manufacturers and that is why they resist it. The technology, however, has revealed its evidence and we can go by it. Manufacturers need to focus on building energy efficient cars such as the hybrid ones. Works Cited Granovskii, Mikhail. , Dincer, Ibrahim and Marc A. Rosen. â€Å"Economic and environmental comparison of conventional, hybrid, electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles† Journal of Power Sources. Volume 159, 2, (2006): 1186-1193. Haan, Peter. , Peters, Anja and Scholz W. Roland. †The Automobile Industry Sustainability† Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 15, 11-12, (2006): 1076-1084. â€Å"Hybrid cars are an excellent choice! † 2007 Hybrid Cars Blog 15 August 2007 http://www. activehybrid. com/ â€Å"Hybrid Vehicles† 2005, 15 August 2007 http://www. hybrid-vehicles. net/ . Manzie, Chris. , Watson, Harry and Halgamuge, Saman. â€Å"Fuel economy improvements for urban driving: Hybrid vs. intelligent vehicles† Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Volume 15, Issue 1, 2007: 1-16. Mehney, Paul. â€Å"Public Affairs Officer Army Unveils First Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for New Combat Vehicles,† Aug 15, 2007. US Army. 15 August 2007 http://www. army. mil/-newsreleases/2007/08/15/4424-army-unveils-first-hybrid-electric-propulsion-system-for-new-combat-vehicles/. Anderson, Tony. â€Å"Proven Ways to Increase Your Gas Mileage†, July 1, 2007, 15 august 2007 http://www. gasmileagemanual. com/? gclid=CO3UhKPF940CFQWIlAodGRsjMA. â€Å"Why Hybrids Are The Vehicles Of Choice These Days. † 15 August 2007, http://www. activehybrid. com/Why-Hybrids-are-the-Vehicles-of-Choice-these-days. html.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free King Lear Essays: What a Difference One Word Can Make :: Essays on King Lear

What a Difference One Word Can Make in King Lear King Lear's response to Cordellia's failure to express her love for her father in words is symbolic of King Lear's madness in the play. His madness is most clearly manifest in his need for his daughters to testify to him of their love. Cordellia's failure to say that she loves him winds up destroying him. What is fascinating though is that it is not the rejection of him that hurts so much as his dismay that his daughter would say such a thing. The last line of the selection (Conflated Version 1.1.94) highlights Lear's anger at not only the words that Cordellia speaks, but Cordellia herself. In this line King Lear warns Cordellia that if she doesn't change her ways she will lose her inheritance, "Variant Mend your speech a little, Lest Variant may mar your Fortunes."(1.1.93-94). The second variant in these lines changes the meaning of King Lear's wrath. In the 1608 quarto version the variant text reads, "it". The, "it" in this case is referring to what Cordellia has said. In the 1623 Folio version the word, "it" has been replaced by the word, "you". This variant between the two editions might seem minor but in fact it changes the meaning of Lear's anger from anger at Cordellia's speech to anger at Cordellia herself. This change has two major effects on the play. First, it shows the madness of King Lear. In the quarto version his anger is directed at Cordellia's speech. This is rational way of dealing with the situation and shows that King Lear still has love for his daughter. He loves her but not what she has said. In contrast in the folio version King Lear's madness is evident in his inability to separate what Cordellia has said from his love for her. King Lear like a lunatic sees Cordellia's inability to pronounce her love in front of her conniving sisters to be a blanket statement that she does not love him. He is unable to reason that her statement might have logic because he himself has no logic. He doesn't see that his breaking of the chain of being by abdicating his throne and dividing up his kingdom has also destroyed the chain of being in his own family. His daughters usurp his power as he violates the order of the universe.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Human Interactions with Environment in Ancient Egypt Essay

Experience made them able hunters and gatherers, and later made them adept at herding. But, lacking the experience of modern people, they assumed that they were at the center of the universe, which they saw as flat, small and under sky. They were doing the best they could in drawing conclusions about the world around them. Much of the Paleolithic Age occurred during the period in the earth’s history known as the Ice Age. Around this time glaciers advanced and retreated many times. Because the people during the Paleolithic Age were living during such a harsh time they had to get adjusted to their environment so they started to depend on animals for their source of food. Since the paleolithic people were nomads and hunters and gathers, they followed their source of food. In this time their main source of food were the huge animals that traveled together such as mammoths. They used their environment to help them survive. The paleolithic people lived in caves and tents made from animal skin, their cloth were made from animal skin and leaves. It is hard to imagine how Neanderthals or Homo sapiens could have survived without fire during the Ice Age. The first stone tools were probably used as projectiles or to hit with them like with a mace. Later, the primitive humans observed that broken stones had cutting edges that could inflict deeper wounds or cut animals into pieces. Step by step, people learned to hit stone by stone to produce sharpened tools. The stone processing was used until the discovery of the metals by Homo sapiens, after the Neolithic[1]. Stone scrapers were used for removing the skins of the animals. Stone axes were used for wounding or cutting up the prey. They had handles made of wood or deer antlers. Stone drills were used too. During the Upper Paleolithic (40,000 to 10,000 BC), more complex stone tools appeared, like stone lamps that were filled with grease and had a wick made of plant fibers. The silex arrow points were complex, having rods that allowed them to be joined to the shaft via a resin or tendons. Bone harpoons and needles from this period were found in Europe[2] During the neolithic era people were developing ways to communicate, better ways to make weapons, better ways to obtain food and started to develop a religion. The neolithic people discovered a way to obtain a better source of food. They discovered how to farm. They started to grow crops and became farmers. They would usually look for sources of water and build irrigation systems. The great source of food now game them time to settle down and become civilizations. As they settled down they also found a way to domesticate animals. Their diet probably consisted of dairy products such as milk, cheese, meat and a variety of edible grains; wheat, barley, and rice. Because they discovered how to tame the animals they started to develop their technology they made their cloth from wool from the goats. Neolithic people were mostly farmers and herders, but then there were certain people who didn’t want to be a farmer or an animal tamer. These people started to specialize in different jobs, jobs that needed to be done. For example crafts like carpentry, weaving and pottery. Carpentry was needed to make homes and buildings, the weaving was needed for the cloth, and pottery was needed to make bowls or statues or even ornaments, decorative ornaments. They also developed sets of rules to guide ones behavior. With no defined difference between spirit and materiality, they believed that in preserving a corpse they were also helping to preserve the spirit of one who had died. And they believed that they could nourish the spirit of the corpse by putting gifts of food alongside it. They believed that a body went limp at death because the spirit that had been within it had left it for the invisible world of the spirits. They felt no urge to meld these ideas of spirits and materiality into the kind of consistent picture that modern people would demand for credibility. As you can see, both the neolithic and paleolithic ages had major impacts on the way civilizations started. They started everything. What we call technology today they, our ancestors created it. Applied science, even though they didn’t even know science existed they were smart enough to know that they needed to develop new ways to live as time passed on.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Women’s Rights Movement

The Women’s Rights Movement Women’s Suffrage is a subject that could easily be considered a black mark on the history of the United States. The entire history of the right for women to vote takes many twists and turns but eventually turned out alright. This paper will take a look at some of these twists and turns along with some of the major figures involved in the  suffrage  movement. The first recorded instance in American history where a woman demanded the right to vote was in 1647.Margaret Brent, a property owner in Maryland wanted two votes in the newly formed colonial assembly to represent her vote and the vote of Lord Baltimore whom she held power-of-attorney. (Pleck, 2007) The governor eventually turned down her demands. The 1790 constitution of New Jersey allowed women property owners the right to vote through a loophole that stated that â€Å"all inhabitants† that met property and residence requirements could vote.This loophole was closed in 1807 by a state legislator that had almost lost an election due to a women’s voting bloc. Other than these isolated incidents the first organized women’s  suffrage movement  can be traced back to the mid 1800’s with the  Seneca Falls  Convention. The organized movement started at Seneca Falls, NY with a meeting called by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. (National Women's History Museum, 2007) Both women received their start in the women’s suffrage movement by being active in the abolitionist movement.Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an important element of the Women’s Rights Movement, but not many people know of her significance or contributions because she has been overshadowed by her longtime associate and friend, Susan B. Anthony. However, I feel that she was a woman of great importance who was the driving force behind the 1848 Convention, played a leadership role in the women’s rights movement for the next fifty years, and in the wor ds of Henry Thomas, â€Å"She was the architect and author of the movement’s most important strategies ad documents. † Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born in 1815 into an affluent family in Johnstown, New York.Now, while Stanton was growing up, she tried to imitate her brother’s academic achievements due to the fact that her parents, Daniel and Mary Livingston Cady, preferred their sons to their daughters. In trying to copy her male siblings, she got an extraordinary education: she went to Johnstown Academy and studied Greek and mathematics; she learned how to ride and manage a horse; she became a skilled debater; and she attended the Troy Female Seminary in New York (one of the first women ‘s academies to offer an advanced education equal to that of male academies) where she studies logic, physiology, and natural rights philosophy.However, it wasn’t her education, but watching her father, who was a judge and lawyer, handle his cases, that cause her to become involved in various women rights movements. Stanton and Mott attended the World’s Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 and were refused seating for being women. After this incident the two women started seeing a connection between the plight of slaves and the treatment of women in the United States. The women’s movement took a back seat to the slavery movement during the American Civil War as the women turned their attention to working through the war.However, after the war was over the women’s movement thought they were in a good position to win some key battles due to their war work and the attention being paid to equal rights at the time. This was not to be so as the Republicans in power believed that women’s suffrage would hurt their chances to push forth rights for freed slaves because of the widespread unpopularity of women’s rights. (National Women's History Museum, 2007)   After the war the women’s movement split into r ival factions with Stanton and Susan B.Anthony forming the National Woman’s Suffrage Association and Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe forming the American Woman’s Suffrage Association. The NWSA did not support the passing of the 15th amendment because the amendment did not address the giving of equal rights to women as well as blacks and fought against the passing of the amendment as a result. The AWSA supported the 15th amendment and wanted to fight for women’s rights in the states separately. Pleck, 2007) The two movements eventually reunited in 1890 to become the National American Woman Suffrage Association led by Susan B. Anthony until 1900 when Carrie Chapman Catt took over. Catt was integral in the strategy to work for women’s suffrage on both the federal and state level upon her re-election to president of the NAWSA in 1915 which led to another faction split between the NAWSA and a group led by Alice Paul who believed that the major push of the fight needed to be focused at the federal level. About. com, 2007)   Finally all the hard work of the women’s movement paid off in the summer of 1920 with the ratification of the 19th amendment. This was not an easily won victory however. Congress first took up the issue in 1915 but the bill lost in the voting and was shelved for almost three years. (â€Å"Women's Suffrage,† 2007) On the eve of the vote President Wilson made a widely publicized appeal for the passage of the bill and this time the bill barely passed with the need two-thirds majority.However, the bill failed to gain the necessary votes to pass the Senate even with another of President Wilson’s appeals for the passage of the bill. The bill would be voted down twice over the following year before finally gaining enough votes to pass due to Congress’ interest in having the issue solved prior to the presidential elections slated for 1920 and on June 4, 1919 the Senate voted to pass the bill to add the amendment to the constitution securing women’s rights. The effects of the 19th amendment on the United States can be seen everywhere.More women now hold public office and the United States even has a woman running for the Democratic nomination for president. The women’s voting block is one politicians cannot forget about and still have hopes of being successful. The ability of women to vote, even though sparsely used until the 1980s, changed how companies did business and what legislation was passed for respect of the potential voting power of women. More women friendly policies exist, both in the workplace and in general life, which can be attributed to the hard work of the pioneers in the women’s movement.Knowing that men controlled the ability of women to vote and that a way of life would be drastically changed makes the gains of women to vote even more amazing. I can stand back now and admire the bravery of the women who fought for what was and is right fully theirs and for the bravery of the men to do the right thing by allowing women equal rights. You can just reflect about today’s life and affairs to see that the shift from legal rights to suffrage was successful.Our public offices consist of many great female leaders, and the future for America is brighter with collaboration of men and women alike. The efforts of Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were indeed not in vain as they rallied up people to protest in unison and the results are evidenced by the American political structure today. References About. Com. (2007). Women's History: about Carrie Chapman Catt. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from About. com Web Site: http://womenshistory. about. com/library/bio/blbio_catt_carrie_chapman. htmNational Women's History Museum. (2007). Women's Suffrage exhibition. Retrieved November 25, 2007, from National Women's History Museum Web Site: http://www. nwhm. org/exhibits/tour_02-02d. html Pleck, E. (2007). Women's Suffrage. Retrieved Nov ember 24, 2007, from Scholastic Web Site: http://teacher. scholastic. com/activities/suffrage/history. htm Women's Suffrage. (2007, November 26). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved November 26, 2007, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/History_of_women's_suffrage_in_the_United_States

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence in Different Areas

Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence in Different Areas Introduction: Interest in EI Emotional intelligence (EI) has been discussed for two decades so far. Stough et al. (2009) note that the interest in EI has increased recently and the concept of EI has been applied to a variety of fields including workplace, psychiatry, neuroscience, education, health, cross-culture and sport. For instance, Cassady and Boseck (2008) consider a variety of ways to apply the concept in psychology.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence in Different Areas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Brackett et al. (2011) also stress that researchers exploit the concept of EI in various areas and this usability has created a need in defining the concept. Notably, there are different approaches to defining EI as each definition addresses peculiarities of a particular field. Researchers also focus on different characteristics of EI. Remarkably, the most heated debate is concerned with use of EI in different areas. Defining the Concept In the first place, it is necessary to note that the definitions provided by the researchers share the idea that EI is associated with people’s cognition and intelligence. Thus, Caruso (2008, p. 2) claims that, in terms of the ability model, EI is â€Å"a standard intelligence†, while according to Mayer-Salovey approach it is a form of the intelligence as â€Å"reasoning and thinking operate on emotional information†. Gardenswartz et al. (2010) provide a more complete definition which addresses the issues concerning diversity. The researchers claim that EI is â€Å"the ability to feel, understand, articulate, manage, and apply the power of emotions to interactions across lines of difference† (Gardenswartz et al., 2010, p. 76). Clearly, the definitions focus on the same characteristic of EI, i.e. the ability to perceive certain kind of information. The major distinctive feature of EI is tha t it is concerned with emotions, unlike the intelligence which is associated with processing facts and stimuli. Major Components of EI Researchers claim that EI is complex and consists of a number of components. Wharam (2009) stresses that acceptance and awareness are some of the major parts of EI. The researcher emphasises that it is crucial to be able to recognise and accept one’s emotions to be able to control them. Hughes et al. (2011) also point out that acceptance is essential, but the researchers bring to the fore fifteen ‘competencies’ of EI. Thus, the researchers claim that EI is impossible without self-regard, emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, independence, self-actualisation, empathy, social responsibility, interpersonal relationships, stress tolerance, impulse control, reality testing, flexibility, problem solving, optimism and happiness (Hughes et al., 2011).Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cleraly, Hughes et al. (2011) and Wharam (2009) share the opinion that awareness and acceptance are central to EI. However, the former provide a more complete set of EI components. EI in Different Fields As has been mentioned above, EI is rather well-defined and researched. It has also been considered in terms of its usability in various settings. For instance, Barbey et al. (2012) focus on the use of EI in neuroscience. The researchers argue that EI can be measured and studied as any other type of intelligence, e.g. with the help of tests similar to IQ tests. Cassady and Boseck (2008) note that the concept of EI has a variety of implications in psychology. Numerous researchers focus on development of certain strategies to develop EI in patients. Importantly, the use of EI in education has become a topic of a lasting debate. Thus, Waterhouse (2006) stresses that the theory of EI is still only yet to be researched properly and it can be harmful to implement it in education. The researcher claims that educators are not ready to teach children emotional intelligence as even the theory has far too many gaps. At the same time, Colverd and Hodgkin (2011) are optimistic about EI and provide a number of strategies to develop emotional intelligence in primary school students. The researchers stress that children should be taught to cope with various situations and well-developed EI will help them do it. The researchers also claim that children should start being aware of their emotions at an early age. Hughes et al. (2011) also believe that people can and should be taught to develop their EI. The researchers also provide particular strategies to help people develop EI. Notably, the researchers help people apply their skills in a variety of settings (every-day life, workplace, etc.). Brackett et al. (2011) consider the application of EI in workplace and social life. Admittedly, development of EI is now regarded a s one of the ways to become a successful member of the society. Conclusion On balance, it is possible to state that emotional intelligence is one of the most disputed issues in the academic world. Researchers are trying to define, describe and apply EI in various settings. Notably, there are opponents to the extensive use of the theory of EI as some researchers argue that there are too many gaps yet to be filled. Nonetheless, it is clear that there is already certain understanding of what emotional intelligence is and how to use it in different settings. Admittedly, further research is needed to be sure that the strategies which are being worked out are effective.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence in Different Areas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Barbey, A.k., Colom, R., and Grafman, J. (2012). Distributed neural system for emotional intelligence revealed by l esion mapping. Retrieved from Brackett, M.A., Rivers, S.E., and Salovey, P. (2011). Emotional intelligence: Implications for personal, social, academic, and workplace success. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(1), 88-103. Caruso, D.R. (2008). Emotions and the ability model of emotional intelligence. In Emmerling, R.J., Shanwal, V.K., and Mandal, M.K. (Eds.). Emotional intelligence: Theoretical and cultural perspectives (pp. 1-16). New York, NY: Nova Publishers. Cassady, J.C., and Boseck, J.J. (2008). Educational psychology and emotional intelligence: Toward a functional model for emotional information processing in schools. In Cassady, J.C., and Eissa, M.A. (Eds.). Emotional intelligence: Perspectives from educational and positive psychology (pp. 3-25). New York, NY: Peter Lang. Colverd, S., Hodgkin, B. (2011). Developing emotional intelligence in the primary school. O xon, UK: Taylor Francis. Gardenswartz, L., Cherbosque, J., and Rowe, A. (2010). Emotional intelligence and diversity: A model for differences in the workplace. Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture, 1(1), 74-84. Hughes, M., Pattreson, L.B., and Terrell, J.B. (2011). Emotional intelligence in action: Training and coaching activities for leaders and managers. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley Sons.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Stough, C., Parker, J.D.A., and Saklofske, D.H. (2009). Assessing emotional intelligence: Theory, research, and applications. Hawthorn, Victoria: Springer. Waterhouse, L. (2006). Multiple intelligences, the Mozart effect, and emotional intelligence: A critical review. Educational Psychologist, 41(4), 207-225. Wharam, J. (2009). Emotional intelligence: Journey to the centre of yourself. Ropley, UK: John Hunt Publishing.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The History and Archaeology of Vindija Cave

The History and Archaeology of Vindija Cave Vindija Cave is a stratified paleontological and archaeological site in Croatia, which has several occupations associated with both Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH). Vindija includes a total of 13 levels dated between 150,000 years ago and the present, spanning the upper part of the Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, and Upper Paleolithic periods. Although several of the levels are sterile of hominin remains or have been disturbed primarily cryoturbations ice wedging, there are some stratigraphically separated hominin levels at Vindija Cave associated with humans and Neanderthals. Although the earliest recognized hominid occupations date to ca. 45,000 bp, deposits at Vindija include strata that comprise a huge number of animal bones, including tens of thousands of specimens, 90% of which are cave bears, over a period of more than 150,000 years. This record of animals in the region has been used to establish data about the climate and habitat of northwest Croatia during that period. The site was first excavated in the first half of the 20th century, and more extensively excavated between 1974 and 1986 by Mirko Malez of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In addition to archaeological and faunal remains, numerous archaeological and faunal remains, with over 100 hominin discoveries have been found at Vindija Cave. Specimens in Level G3 (38,000-45,000 years bp), the lowest hominin-bearing level, are Neanderthals and are associated with exclusively Mousterian artifacts.Specimens in Level G1 (32,000-34,000 years bp) represent the most recent Neanderthals at the site and are associated with both Mousterian and Upper Paleolithic stone tools.Hominins in Level F (31,000-28,000 years bp) are associated with Aurignacian and according to researchers look a little like both AMH and Neanderthal.Hominins in Level D (less than 18,500 years bp, the uppermost hominid-bearing strata in the cave, are associated with Gravettian culture artifacts  and represent only anatomically modern humans. Vindija Cave and mtDNA In 2008, researchers reported that a complete mtDNA sequence had been retrieved from a thigh bone of one of the Neanderthals recovered from Vindija Cave. The bone (called Vi-80) comes from level G3, and it was direct-dated to 38,310  ± 2130 RCYBP. Their research suggests that the two hominins who occupied Vindija Cave at different timesearly modern Homo sapiens and Neanderthalswere clearly separate species. Even more interestingly, Lalueza-Fox and colleagues have discovered similar DNA sequencesfragments of sequences, that isin Neanderthals from Feldhofer Cave (Germany) and El Sidron (northern Spain), suggesting a common demographic history among groups in eastern Europe and the Iberian peninsula. In 2010, the Neanderthal Genome Project announced that it had finished a complete DNA sequence of Neanderthal genes, and discovered that between 1 and 4 percent of the genes that modern humans carry around with them come from Neanderthals, directly contradicting their own conclusions just two years ago. Read more about the latest findings about Neanderthal and Human Interbreeding The Last Glacial Maximum and Vindija Cave A recent study reported in Quaternary International (Miracle et al. listed below) describes the climate data recovered from Vindija Cave, and Veternica, Velika pecina, two other caves in Croatia. Interestingly, the fauna indicate that during the period between 60,000 and 16,000 years ago, the region had a moderate, broadly temperate climate with a range of environments. In particular, there seems to have been no significant evidence for what was thought to be a shift to cooler conditions at the onset of the Last Glacial Maximum, about 27,000 years bp. Sources Each of the links below leads to a free abstract, but payment is needed for the full article unless otherwise noted. Ahern, James C. M., et al. 2004 New discoveries and interpretations of hominid fossils and artifacts from Vindija Cave, Croatia. Journal of Human Evolution 4627-4667. Burbano HA, et al. 2010. Targeted Investigation of the Neandertal Genome by Array-Based Sequence Capture. Science 238:723-725. Free download Green RE, et al. 2010. A Draft Sequence of the Neandertal Genome. Science 328:710-722. Free download Green, Richard E., et al. 2008 A Complete Neandertal Mitochondrial Genome Sequence Determined by High-Throughput Sequencing. Cell 134(3):416-426. Green, Richard E., et al. 2006 Analysis of one million base pairs Neanderthal DNA. Nature 444:330-336. Higham, Tom, et al. 2006 Revised direct radiocarbon dating of the Vindija G1 Upper Paleolithic Neandertals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 10(1073):553-557. Lalueza-Fox, Carles, et al. 2006 Mitochondrial DNA of an Iberian Neandertal suggests a population affinity with other European Neandertals. Current Biology 16(16):R629-R630. Miracle, Preston T., Jadranka Mauch Lenardic, and Dejana Brajkovic. in press Last glacial climates, Refugia, and faunal change in Southeastern Europe: Mammalian assemblages from Veternica, Velika pecina, and Vindija caves (Croatia). Quaternary International in press Lambert, David M. and Craig D. Millar 2006 Ancient genomics is born. Nature 444:275-276. Noonan, James P., et al. 2006 Sequencing and Analysis of Neanderthal Genomic DNA. Science 314:1113-1118. Smith, Fred. 2004. Flesh and Bone: Analyses of Neandertal Fossils Reveal Diet was High in Meat Content Free press release, Northern Illinois University. Serre, David, et al. 2004 No Evidence of Neandertal mtDNA Contribution to Early Modern Humans. PLoS Biology  2(3):313-317.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tax system contribution to economic growth Essay

Tax system contribution to economic growth - Essay Example In other words, without investments, innovation, production and risk taking there will be nothing about economic growth. Production is of great significance because it is the only link between all drivers of economy. Most taxes are often concentrated along labor, investments and production (Economic Review Committee (ERC), 2012). For instance, the United Kingdom as well as other countries in developed and developing world charges income tax on returns from labor, capital gain tax on capital, excise and Value Added Tax (VAT) on production and corporate and property tax on investments. This is a clear manifestation that factors that drive economic growth are the major sources of revenue to the government thus the link between economic growth and tax system. Policy makers are often very cautious with taxation policies proposition considering that these can make or break a nation. Slemrod (2003) asserts that a government can lose big on its tax revenue if it is careless with its tax syst ems especially during this tough economic time that the entire world is healing from the impact of global financial crunch. For instance, multinational companies are likely to shift to countries with low corporation tax rates if the parent country is charging high taxes. Countries that want to advance their economies are renowned for luring investors both foreign and local by offering favorable tax laws and reliefs. A number of countries are carrying out several reforms on their tax systems owing to the pressure from pundits and economists who continue to stand by the view that high taxes are not good for economic prospect. This view is enhanced from the existing empirical studies that involve a review of a number... This essay is the best example of thorough analysis of the mechanisms, by which taxes affect economic growth. It is argued in the paper, that the tax system make tangible contribution to economic growth Economists and policymakers have conducted several studies for a number of years with an objective of establishing the link between tax systems and economic growth. Most, though not all of these studies did establish an undesirable effect of taxes on different measures of a country’s economic performance. A number of taxes especially income, property, capital gain and consumption based taxes have always attracted a lot of attention with respect to their impact on economic growth. Economic growth, which refers to an increase in countries total output over a specified period, is driven by three important factors namely capital, labor and technological advancement. Taxes interfere with income from economic activities that is production of goods and services . This means that lowering or increasing taxes will certainly affect income drawn from an economic activity. For instance, increased income tax will translates to wider gap between gross and net earnings and vice versa. Returns from labor is an important motivator for engaging in gainful employment. However, tax systems especially high personal income tax often discourage people from engaging in labor market. Taxation of factor capital is another important area of consideration when trying to bring out the link between tax system and economic growth.

Friday, November 1, 2019

American political history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

American political history - Essay Example War on terror is one of the major outcomes of the 9/11 incident. It started from Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, immediately after the 9/11 incident. America believes that the major culprits behind 9/11 Osama and Mulla Omar (Taliban leader) are currently operating from the Afghan-Pakistan borders. In order to seize Laden and Mulla Omar and also to destroy Taliban from Afghanistan, America started the Afghan war immediately after the 9/11. It is widely known that the roots of contemporary terrorism originated in Afghanistan when United States sponsored Afghan mujahideen in their bid to repel Soviet Union which resulted in the formation of CIA trained terrorists united under the banner of Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda† (Ahmed, 2005, p.3). Afghanistan is an uncivilized country and most of the people in Afghanistan are illiterate. Religious fundamentalism is at tits bests in Afghanistan because of the organizations like Taliban. Earlier during the cold war period, Soviet Union intruded into the Afghanistan territories and America did everything possible to remove Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The United States never thought that they will face the consequences of their action in future when they cultivate religious fundamentalism in Afghanistan in order to expel Soviet troops. America deliberately cultivated strong patriotism and religious fundamentalism in the veins of the Afghan people during the Soviet regime in Afghanistan. America made the Afghan people aware of the evil effects of communism. They spread the propaganda that Soviet regime may destroy religion from Afghanistan so that the dominant Muslim population in Afghanistan may be forced to avoid their religious beliefs in future. In other words, America tried to exploit the religious beliefs